Student Experience
As a Texas McCombs MBA, you will join an engaged, driven, and collaborative community of students, alumni, staff, and faculty who are inspiring change and making a lasting impact on society.
Cohorts & Study Teams
Cohort Experience
The collaborative and engaged student culture of the MBA program at Texas McCombs is by design. You’ll be placed into a Cohort –a group of ExecutiveMBA peers with whom you’ll navigate the curriculum. The cohort model fosters a shared experience among students and open dialogue within the classroom. -
Study Teams
Within your cohort, you’ll be matched up with a Study Team of 4 to 6 other students in your first year, each of whom bring different backgrounds and strengths to the group. You’ll work together and learn from each other as you tackle class assignments and business challenges.

Distinguished Speaker Series
Throughout the year, you’ll have a chance to hear from executives from both the private and public sector as part of our ongoing Executive MBA Speaker Series. These lunchtime events deliver expert insights on a variety of specialized topics. The perspectives that guest speakers bring, plus the interchange of ideas that occurs, add an important, distinct dimension to your MBA education.

Student-Led Organizations
You'll have the opportunity to join or lead an organization such as the McCombs Ambassador Committee (MAC), Graduate Women in Business, or Graduate Business Council (GBC) while completing your MBA to further enhance your connections and engagement.
Learning Environment
Rowling Hall
EMBA classes take place at Rowling Hall on the UT-Austin campus—the home of the Texas McCombs MBA. Opened in 2018, this state-of- the-art facility, located near the heart of the campus and a mere five-minute walk from downtown Austin, is designed with your education in mind. Classrooms, meeting rooms, presentation spaces, career management offices, technology labs—all in one beautiful building. -
UT Austin
The University of Texas at Austin is one of the world’s leading research universities, supporting cutting-edge research in all disciplines and offering more than 200 dedicated research units and centers. Since 1883, students from around the world have come to UT Austin to seek challenges and transform lives. Join a community of Longhorns who are proud, ambitious, and determined to change the world. -
Life in Austin
There is no better place to earn your MBA than Austin, Texas. Consistently named one of the best cities in the U.S. for innovation, entrepreneurship, startups, job growth, real estate, and livability, Austin is a laboratory for leading-edge business innovation. It has fast become a global capital for technology—and a can’t-miss hub of arts and culture. Austin will be your home, your classroom, and your inspiration.

The Value of the Texas McCombs MBA
in Texas
Best MBA Program
U.S. News & World Report, 2024
in the U.S.
Best Executive MBA Program
U.S. News & World Report, 2024
in the U.S.
Best Executive MBA Program
Poets & Quants, 2023
Take the Next Step
Join us for an info session, admissions chat, application workshop, campus visit, and more. -
Start your application and begin your journey to becoming a Texas McCombs MBA. -

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